ETA Match: Highlight Your Superpower

Our matching system pairs you with the best deals for your strengths.

Start with your free personality test today!

What is ETA Match?

ETA Match is a revolutionary platform designed to simplify and expedite the small business acquisition process. We connect buyers with sellers based on critical metrics that matter when running a business. We ensure compatibility between buyer and seller above and beyond financial metrics. 

Connect with ETA Match

How ETA Match Works


Create your profile and take our free personality quiz.


Join our buyer network and be seen by sellers and brokers looking for the right match. 


Approve direct contact when the right deal matches with your profile.


Connect securely to take the next steps on your journey to entrepreneurship through acquisition.

The Buyer Personality Test

It’s easy and fast to take the personality test – we’ve designed it to adapt to your answers and ensure that the sellers that find you have a business that you are specifically suited to lead successfully. 

John Smith

John – you are a Harmonized Thinker who would excel with a business in need of a Hands On Operator to guide them forward.

Harmonized Thinker

You combine innovation with stability, making you an adaptable and effective leader.

Hands On Operator

You are the backbone of any business. You excel at keeping operations smooth, employees happy, and customers returning. 

No Hidden Fees or Gimmicks (Really!)

$ 0 Personality Test
  • Get your personality type - absolutely free!
$ 25 Per Year
  • Join our ETA buyer database and be seen by brokers and sellers for your next deal!